Thursday, April 9, 2009

What Not to Wear

I am notorious for not dressing my age. I look young and I work at a college. More than once I have been yelled at by my friends about dressing as if I were 12 years old. (Honestly I don't think I'm that bad.) Today I'm wearing cargo pants and my converse tennies. So sue me! But lately I have been thinking maybe I need to step it up a bit. I just ordered this black dress that I found on Fashion under $100 and I love it! Easy to wear and not a bad price for a dress.

P.S. If anyone wants to nominate me for What Not to Wear - I would gladly submit to a new wardrobe and meeting Stacy and Clinton.


Averill said...

Cute dress. And I would love to meet Stacie and Clinton myself. Sometimes I just feel like they're wasted on folks who wouldn't appreciate them as I would. :)

###### said...

Hey I am wearing converse to! You are doing just fine!

Dreams and Designs said...

Do not wear those boots though please~!