Friday, June 12, 2009

Good times

image by cig harvey

This will be me by the end of the day. Orientation is an awesome time on campus but it does take a lot out of you. My feet aren't used to being in heels all day, especially when you have to run across campus two and three times. The best part is seeing all the new freshman. They are so excited to start college so it's easy to be excited with them.

The only other thing to report today is.... Sarah Palin is a tool. Listening to her on the Today show this morning made me gag. By the way Sarah - Irregardless is NOT a word.

Have a great weekend everyone!


stillarockstar said...


Millie said...

Cool idea Kara with the skates. And yes Ms. Palin's 'interesting' way of describing things has made its way Down Under. And yes, your description of her is perfect. What were those Republican Old Boys thinking!
Millie ^_^

Danielle said...

Hahaha! Sarah Palin is definitely a tool. I think she continues to reinforce that everytime she opens her MOUTH!

Averill said...

Irregardless = huge pet peeve of mine.

Kara said...

It makes me sad that Sarah is the best Republican woman role model they can find. Surely there are some better choices out there.