Monday, July 13, 2009

Weekend Update

Let's see...What did I do this weekend? Baseball games in the rain. Got a new book to read. Cleaned the house...hmmmm...what else...Of course! I totally forgot about hanging out with my friends, Beth and Jeremy.

Every Friday afternoon in the summer is a half day of work for us. I usually meet my friend Con in West Des Moines for drinks or lunch on a patio somewhere but this week Con was off on vacation. So a new plan was needed.

My good friend, Beth and I found a patio and ate ginormous burgers for lunch, called Jeremy after paying our bill, and went to a movie and then opted for drinks on a patio before the rain started coming down. What better way to spend the day!

As for the movie...Hangover was absolutely laugh out loud funny. It's been a long time since I have even chuckled at a movie. This one is good. It's a must see. And go with the friends you have done those stupid things with after having a few and you'll appreciate it even more.

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